Thursday 12 September 2013

Analysed Music Video

I will be analysing a music video based on Andrew Goodwin's theory on music videos, from his book 'Dancing in the Distraction Factory' (1992). He identifies a number of key features which distinguish the music video as a form:

-There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals (with visuals either illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics)

-There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (again visuals either illustrate, amplify or contradict the music)

 -Particular genres may have their own music video style and iconography

-There will be a demand on the part of the record company for a lot of close-ups of the main artist or vocalist.

-There is likely to be reference to voyeurism including systems of looking (screens within screens,binoculars,cameras etc.)

-There are likely to be intertextual references, either to other music videos or to films and TV texts.

I have looked at the music video Counting Stars by OneRepublic (C) 2013 and compared the music video in terms of Andrew Goodwin's theories on music videos.

The music video being of an indie/rock genre won't completely compare with the theories of Goodwin as they are usually out of the norm of other genres. For example the narrative itself doesn't follow the lyrics themselves except the actions of the characters do follow the beat of the music by stamping there feet and clapping at the same beat of the music. Ryan Tedder the lead singer's dance moves during the video relates to the lyrics as well, where it says "I feel the love and I feel it burn, down this river every time", he makes the action of a running river towards the camera.

The band members themselves are a key focus during the music video being a separate narrative to the storyline. Especially when the main acoustic part is played the guitarist himself is important in a number of closeups and panning shots.

There aren't many signs of voyeurism within this music video as this is usually associated with a pop genre whom tend to portray stereotypical visuals and compare better to Goodwin's theory than the indie genre. However the clothing they are wearing is a typical aspect of their genre which has replaced voyeurism which is instead typical to the pop culture. With bracelets and chains and grunge clothing they are of an obvious genre matched up with their instruments.

Many of the camera shots are similar to other music videos of OneRepublic especially that of when Ryan Tedder is sat on his own in an abandoned room singer the lyrics of the song. The pose is used in many of their music videos such as Stop and Stare (C) 2008 

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