Thursday 24 October 2013


"Narrative Theory suggests that stories, in whatever media and whatever culture, share certain features."


Barthes suggests that narrative works with five different codes which activate the reader to allow them to make sense of the narrative they are watching. This is an intricate theory as it goes into great depth with each type of code.

Action- The codes contain sequential elements of action in the text. In doing so can create suspense within the text.

Enigma- The code refers to mystery within the text.Clues have been put in place but no hard evidence is given to make the audience think and come to their own conclusion on what they are given.

Semic- This code refers to parts within a text that suggest or refer to different meanings within the text. The seme has a connotative function in the text. It has an extra layer of meaning in addition to it's literal meaning.

Symbolic- This code is about symbolism within the text. It exercises opposites to show contract and create greater meaning, creating tension, drama and character development.

Cultural- This code refers to anything in the text that references to an external body of knowledge such as scientific, historical and cultural knowledge.

For an example of Barthes' theory I looked at The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance, the narrative is really strong and has many different features to allow a good analysis of each code.

Action- This is seen when the chorus begins and the soldiers are charging onto the beach, this holds suspense as the camera focuses on an individual character and the audience automatically feels concerns towards this character.

Enigma- The ending of the video is representative of the enigma code as we are left wondering what has happened to the main character, as the lyrics sate 'never coming home', this could be about him or his friends he was losing around him. The question is still left unanswered even when the video has finishes.

Semic- Through the course of the narrative whilst the main characters friends are dying around him, the affect on his performance shots where it is as though he is fading could be a suggestion of him not coming back from war and this could be him singing about himself.

Symbolic- The affect of the narrative and live performance overlapping with the characters highlights the fact that they are the people whom the song is about and yet this represents everyone at war as though not one soldier has ever been given a name.

Cultural- An audience would need some understanding of the Second World War to fully understand the extend and meaning behind the song and it's narrative to feel for these young people and be more epithetic towards the characters and leads to a better connection with the audience.


Todorov suggests that the idea of a narrative is that there is 5 stages; Equilibrium; Disruption; Recognition; Reperation and the New Equilibrium. He believes that the narrative of a music video will roughly follow these steps to be successful. Equilibrium meaning the good at the beginning, the disruption being something happens to change this, then recognition is realising what has happened or what is wrong, reparation is trying to make things better, the new equilibrium is now the problem solved and now the narrative is good again; yet not necessarily the same as before.

EXAMPLE:I felt like the narrative I gave an example of, should be that of Avicii so I was able to look at his style of narrative he used for his music. I therefore decided to look at Wake Me Up by Avicii. The song itself is totally consistent of narrative except the final drop in the music where the characters are represented at the live performance in that they are in the crowd, yet the shots of them are more vague.

Equilibrium: the two characters are in a small happy village, where there is peace and no trouble yet there is a sense of disruption from the start (something doesn't seem right).

Disruption: We find out from conversation in the music video apart from the text that the people in the town don't like this girl and her younger sister. As though they have done something wrong.

Recognition: We find out as an audience through the use of a flashback that the eldest character went to the city in search of something new and found Avicii's music. This changed how she behaved and because she went away and came back different, the people of the town shunned her because she was different and in their eyes not normal.

Reparation: due to the younger character raising concerns about the town not liking them, the eldest realises that they need to get away from the town so decides to take them to where she feels they belong; in the city with her friends she met there and with Avicii's music concert about to happen she takes her sister there.

New Equilibrium: they have found somewhere they fit in and aren't deemed as different, they have found a purpose in the city and feel as though they have found a new home; this is presented in the concert where their mode has changed from sad to being happy and feel like they belong.

New Equilibrium: they have found somewhere they fit in and aren't deemed as different, they have found a purpose in the city and feel as though they have found a new home; this is presented in the concert where their mode has changed from sad to being happy and feel like they belong.

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